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 Hello from NR

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2 participants
[NR] Papa Nasty

Nombre de messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 25/08/2006

Hello from NR Empty
MessageSujet: Hello from NR   Hello from NR EmptyVen 25 Aoû à 10:14

Hi there, I am Papa Nasty, leader of NR Twisted Evil

I've heard that a few of our members have run into a few of yours in G12. I'm here to open a more formal line of communication in the hope that we could work together, possibly through trade if nothing else, to try and avoid the possibility of conflict emerging sunny

btw, I like your smilies What a Face
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[NR] Papa Nasty

Nombre de messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 25/08/2006

Hello from NR Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hello from NR   Hello from NR EmptyDim 10 Sep à 9:23

thanks for your interest.

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Nombre de messages : 237
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2006

Hello from NR Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hello from NR   Hello from NR EmptyLun 11 Sep à 22:06

excuse us Rolling Eyes

Some of our members are yet in hollyday or not 100% present...
It's explain why we didn't respond to your post.

So, when all membres of our ally come back, we will discuss of your suggest.

and thanks for the smiles Very Happy

good game Wink
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[NR] Papa Nasty

Nombre de messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 25/08/2006

Hello from NR Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hello from NR   Hello from NR EmptyMar 12 Sep à 9:47

thanks for the response Very Happy

good luck and have fun Smile
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Hello from NR Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hello from NR   Hello from NR Empty

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Hello from NR
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